Saturday, March 8, 2008

Typo #1

(You know, all this "#1" stuff is under the assumption that I will, someday, actually start doubling up.)

The Typo: Each has a censor attached to their arm or leg the whole time...
(In an RP thread on Gaia.)

The idea: Well, some grammar issues aside, that should be "sensor," not "censor." So, something attached to them that censors their thoughts? Or their words? Possibly like that one lovely short story I read once...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Overheard #1

Saying: "Subliminal messages from a very confused overlord"
Idea: Oh, none yet. But I mean...

(Also... I said it, so I don't know if it counts as overheard.)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sight #1

The sight: A very large owl perched on a tree stump, watching the road. (Note: I think it was made of plastic. Still.)

The idea: Oh, you know. Typical fantasy.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Headline #1

"The People’s Artist, Herself a Work of Art"

The article: [x]
The idea: Fabulous, famous paintings by an artist whose entire identity is a fraud. I've always been fascinated by the idea of becoming well-known through a completely fabricated identity. (Creepy much?)


So I'm a writer.
Or at least, I call myself one, and I write things. I'm not professional. (Yet?)

And sometimes phrases or photographs seem inspiring or trigger an idea in me. I don't feel like keeping such trivial (read: short) entries in my main blog, so I'll put them here. Sound good?